We love Hip Hop.
We love Rap.
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Beat by HeadSpace
A collection of 9339 untouchable thugz - thuggin' as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Let ya dreamz come true and grab the non-fadin' thug of your desire, they function az ya 'thuggin' appearance', 'O.G. Club ID' and they secure 'benefits' on the marketplace 4 only Hip Hop and Rap inspired NFTs.
Our beloved legendz. We don't sell 'em, so 'no need' 2 make offers, they will be given in the hands of themselves or if they passed away, we will find their right place! (fundraiser, beloved one or the like). If a legend want 2 sell theirself 2 the fans, it's their right, when that occurs GL wit' ya offers.
Available on:
We love Hip Hop. We love Rap.

We are true fans with true passion. That makes NFThugz so unique - True PASSION. Our work is finished when a Stan says 'that shit is phat' - it's that simple.
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What's rare... 
A perfect grinded environment 4 Hip Hop and Rap inspired NFTs in combination wit' the ultimate-interactive entertainment package!
Our three-phase plan 2 make our vision come true!
Lay the foundation 4 the NFT marketplace via the collection 'NFThugz / Non-Fadin' Thugz', a professional presence and collaborations wit' Rap artists.
Create the NFT marketplace wit' an ambitiouz & trusted team: Web3, dApps & THGZ Coin wit' the ultimate-interactive entertainment package in the perfect grinded environment.
Release of the NFT marketplace and starting 2 make our vision come true: 'A perfect grinded environment 4 Hip Hop and Rap inspired NFTs in combination wit' the ultimate-interactive entertainment package'.
Learn more... 
A spot 4 everyone who loves Hip Hop. Who loves Rap. It's just fo' us ...a place 2 share ya thoughts and hang out wit' other thugz!
We are very curious -how u- will answer the question: 'Do u luv Hip Hop and Rap?' ...also we lookin' forward 2 freestyle wit' ya and 2 pay homage 2 our beloved legendz, so come on in & holla back!
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We love Hip Hop.
We love Rap.
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